Care for Mom & Kittens Outside
STEP 1: Help Feed Mom and Kittens
If mom and kittens look well-fed, skip this step! Check in regularly to see if they're all staying healthy.
Cat Food:
Affordable Dry Kitten Food
Optional: Wet Kitten Food
Summer: Lots of water!
Winter: Water in wide, deep bowls to prevent freezing
A Feeding Station is a good option to keep food dry and clean. Check out options for feeding stations below:
STEP 2: Provide Shelter
If mom and kittens are in a safe, warm, and dry space skip this step! Check in regularly to see if they're all staying healthy.
A Winter Cat Shelter is a good option in the winter or wet months.
STEP 3: Check for Other Cats
Spay and Neuter Surgeries:
Spay Mom Cat
Other cats in the area should be fixed to prevent future litters of kittens
Fix kittens when they reach 2-3 pounds (2-3 months old)
Move Mom & Kittens Inside
STEP 1: Move Kittens Indoors
If mom or kittens are difficult to catch, follow the below trapping instructions:
Ideas for Kitten Spaces:​
Spare Bedroom
Small Playpen or Crate
A Friend's or Family Member's Home
STEP 2: Warm the Kittens
Kittens at this age can regulate their own temperature, but it's nice to keep them cozy.
Options for keeping kittens warm:
These should feel warm, but not hot, to your touch. Make sure they have space to get off of the heat in case they get too warm.
Electric Heating Pad
Hot Water Bottle
Rice-Filled Sock Warmed in the Microwave
STEP 3: Care for Family
Kittens of this age should be eating independently.
​Don't worry about overfeeding and expect some spills!
Canned Kitten Food
Dry Kitten Kibble
Fresh Water
2-3 Shallow Water Bowls (to prevent drowning)
Litter Box:
Low-Sided Box or Aluminum Pan
Non-Clumping Pellet Litter (usually made of pine or paper)
STEP 4: Weigh the Kittens
Weigh the kittens daily (a kitchen scale in grams works well). They should be steadily gaining weight.
WATCH FOR: Weight loss that goes for more than a day or a lack of weight gain for more than a few days.
STEP 5: Socialize the Kittens
At this age, they are a bit beyond the ideal age for socialization but try your best!
Food is the fastest way to a kitten's heart
Play with Toys
Gentle Petting
STEP 6: Kitten Health Care
Assess Kitten Health:​
Spay mom as soon as possible
Any other cats seen in the area you found the kittens should also be fixed in order to stop the cycle of kittens being born outside
Weight Requirement: 2-3 lbs (2-3 months old) for healthy kittens
Talk with your vet to see if they can help offset costs or find your local low-cost spay and neuter clinic
For Additional Support:
​Join one of the below Facebook Groups:
STEP 7: Rehome Kittens
Once your kittens are 2-3 months old, rehoming is your best option for finding them a new family.